As a result of Denmark’s first marine spatial plan initiative, raw material extraction areas are basically limited to being laid out within development zones according to the marine spatial plan. In order to increase knowledge of the raw material resources within these development zones, GEUS has carried out a raw material mapping for the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in 2021 in the Southern Kattegat, the Belt Sea and the Western Baltic Sea.
After the collection, GEUS has processed and interpreted the new seismic data and boreholes. The results from this have – combined with the existing knowledge – meant that the raw material resources in a large part of the inland Danish waters have been updated. The report presents the overall results of the mapping in terms of the distribution and volume of the raw material resources, together with a classification of the occurrences, resource types and confidence.
Can be downloaded via GEUS Report Database PURE: Rapportering af Miljøstyrelsens råstofkortlægning 2021. Det sydlige Kattegat, Bælthavet og den vestlige Østersø. Miljøstyrelsens råstofundersøgelser i 2021 — GEUS’ publikationer
Winther, L.H., Vangkilde-Pedersen, T., Lomholt, S., Leth, J.O., Nørgaard-Pedersen, N., Bennike, O. & Prins, L.T: Rapportering af Miljøstyrelsens råstofkortlægning 2021. Det sydlige Kattegat, Bælthavet og den vestlige Østersø. Miljøstyrelsens råstofundersøgelser i 2021. GEUS Rapport 2023/1.